Latest News | 18.12.2023
Extension building for the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg
Read ArticleA newly diagnosed cancer or a relapse after cancer therapy poses major challenges and a number of questions arise:
• What is the best cancer treatment for me?
• Where is the best doctor or medical center for the therapy?
• What does it mean for me to receive treatment in Germany?
• Practical questions: When can the therapy begin? Which costs do I have to expect?
Gynecological tumors
Breast cancer
Skin cancer/tumors
Head and neck tumors
Liver/Gall tumors
Lung cancer/bronchial carcinoma
Gastric/Esophageal cancer
Multiple myeloma
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Myeloproliferative diseases
Neuroendocrine tumors
Tumors of unknown primary (CUP)
Rare tumors
For treatment of children with cancer see here.
The NCT Heidelberg functions like a "central entrance portal": Here, all patients with cancer are jointly advised by the respective specialists of Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) and then treated in the appropriate specialist department. All physicians and nursing staff are highly competent thanks to further training and daily contact with patients suffering from cancer.
Our specialists have all conventional and many innovative therapy methods at their disposal - making it possible to offer every patient the best possible therapy combination:
Surgical expertise:
General/Visceral/Transplantation Surgery
ENT/Maxillofacial Surgery
Skin Surgery
Orthopedic-oncological Surgery
Thoracic Surgery (at the Thoraxclinic Heidelberg)
Nuclear medicine:
Radionuclide / Radioiodine therapy
PSMA & FAPI Diagnostics/Therapy
Stem cell transplantation:
Autologous transplantation
Allogeneic transplantation
Supplementary offers:
Pain therapy
Psychological counselling
Nutrition counselling / therapy
Exercise and sport for cancer
Drug therapies:
Chemotherapies - conventional and many innovative therapies
Targeted therapies (Small molecules)
CAR-T cell therapy
Radiation Therapy:
Proton and heavy ion therapy
Stereotaxy (Cyberknife)
Fractionated, stereotactic radiation
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Intra-operative radiotherapy
Combinated Radiation-chemo-therapy
Combinated Radioimmun-/Antibody therapy
MR-guided Radiation therapy (MR-Linac)
Interventional Therapy:
Radio frequency Ablation (RFA)
Trans-ARterial Chemo Embolisation (TACE)
"At the NCT we offer state-of-the-art, interdisciplinary strategies for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer. The NCT is the central entrance portal for all adult cancer patients to Heidelberg University Hospital. Our specialized teams are committed to supporting those suffering from cancer."
In order to check if treatment at the NCT can be offered, our medical experts need some information from you. Please send the following information in clearly legible quality safely and quickly via our telemedicine portal, which will immediately be forwarded to the expert responsible for you.
For patients with German residence: Here you will find further information on treatment inquiries and contact.
A doctor needs a lot of different information in order to decide on the best possible therapy for an individual patient. This includes, above all, examination results from tissue samples, imaging and the laboratory. In addition, it is also important to know the patient's physical condition, symptoms and individual expectations and wishes. These can be correctly assessed through direct, personal contact and exchange, which is why the experts at the NCT Heidelberg do not offer consultation without a personal introduction to the patient as a rule, but rather require patients to be personally present in Heidelberg.
The procedure is similar for all diseases; here is an example of a patient with a bone tumor:
Latest News | 18.12.2023
Extension building for the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg
Read Article30.08.2022
The "German Cancer Aid" is funding the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg as a Comprehensive Cancer Center for the fourth time in succession.
Read ArticlePatient Stories & Interviews | 25.11.2020
Around two thirds of patients who undergo surgery at Heidelberg University Hospital are tumor patients. Prof. Dr. Dr. Büchler and Prof. Dr. Dirk Jäger talk about the close collaboration between the Heidelberg Surgery Center and the National Center for Tumor Diseases.
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