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Diseases &… Cancer & Tumors Urological Tumors

Department of Urology

at Heidelberg University Hospital

The Urology Department at Heidelberg University Hospital is one of the European centers for excellence for all important areas of specialization. State-of-the-art treatments are performed here.

Overall,  about 16,000 patients with urologic tumors are cared for each year and some 3,500 inpatient operations are performed, including those with the highest degrees of technical difficulty. The average hospital stay for our patients is 4.8 days.

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Johannes Huber, FEBU, MHBA

Medical areas of expertise

  • Prostate cancer
  • Kidney tumors
  • Tumors of the urinary tract with reconstructive bladder surgery
  • Testicular cancer
  • Adrenal, renal, lymph node tumors, sarcomas, and rare tumors
  • Urological tumors in children and adolescents
  • Reconstructive urology including neurogenic bladder, incontinence 
  • Congenital defects.

Comprehensive treatment of urological tumors

The Urology Department at Heidelberg University Hospital consistently implements the treatment concept comprising a so-called “comprehensive cancer center”. Accordingly, the treatment of our patients is integrated into the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT). Here, physicians and basic researchers  liaise closely in order to implement the individually most effective therapy for the individual cancer patient, while incorporating the latest clinical and scientific standards. One important partner in this effort is the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, a leading institution for the systematic research of the mechanisms involved in the development of cancer. A special Prostate Cancer Syndicate  and a Kidney Tumor Center were established at our department as specific points of contact for frequent urological tumors.