Endometriosis: Best care of even complicated cases

February 2017
The distinction "Clinical and Research Center for Endometriosis" confirms highest therapeutic competence, particularly when it comes to complex medical disorders.
Women with endometriosis are treated according to the highest quality standards at Heidelberg University Women's Hospital in the Department of Gynecological Endocrinology and Infertility. This has now been recognized by the Foundation for Endometriosis Research (Stiftung Endometrioseforschung SEF) with the certification of "Clinical and Research Center for Endometriosis (Level III, highest level)", based on a complex and multi-staged process. Thus, Heidelberg University Hospital is established as one of only four similarly highly qualified endometriosis centers in Baden-Wuerttemberg.
In addition to wide treatment spectrum, over 100 major surgeries per year, and exact documentation of treatment course, important criteria for certification included cooperation with other University hospital departments, organization of basic and advanced training for physicians and laymen, as well as planned research studies on the topic. "Our center offers extensive interdisciplinary cooperation and competence particularly in the treatment of difficult medical courses with complex patterns," says Prof. Dr. Ariane Germeyer, who since October 2016 is the new chief staff physician of the Department for Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility and spent about 15 years performing endometriosis research in a research fellowship at Stanford University in the USA.
Wandering Cells Create Long Suffering
Endometriosis is a benign but chronic disease of women, where cells of the uterine lining (the endometrium) are found outside of the uterus. Like normal endometrial cells, these cells change with the monthly cycle. Endometriosis often goes hand in hand with cramping pain and can be a cause of infertility. It is considered the second most common gynecological disease. Some four to twelve percent of women contract this disease between puberty and menopause, which for some begins a long road of suffering.
"It often takes many years until a diagnosis is finally reached, because this is only definitively possible through surgical intervention - laparoscopy. By the time they present to us, many women and also their partners carry a heavy burden because of this," summarized Prof. Dr. Ariane Germeyer. Treatment is surgical, using hormones, and when needed, with additional pain therapy. For example, if patients suffer from hormone intolerance, or they want to have children, the Department offers close cooperation with Surgical Gynecology at the Women's Hospital as well as its own Infertility Clinic, and other departments such as surgery, urology, pain therapy, and also psychology.
The quality seal "Endometriosis Center" helps with the choice of hospital.
"Endometriosis occurs frequently to women during their reproductive years, but is very complex. Thus, good treatment cannot occur without interdisciplinary cooperation of various experts. This disease offers the chance to build centers," says Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Karl Werner Schweppe, Executive Board member of the Foundation of Endometrial Research (Stiftung Endometrioseforschung SEF).
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