![[Translate to English:] Portrait von Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Peter P. Nawroth](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/4/csm_nawroth_0b56fe86cd.jpg)
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Peter P. Nawroth
Medical/Professional background
- 2010
Doctor h.c. Riga Stradins Univ., Lettland
- since 2009
Scientific Advisory Board, Deutsches Diabetes Zentrum, Düsseldorf
- since 2008
Start of the “Diabetes Center” at the University Hospital Heidelberg
- since 2007
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Univ. Hospital, Heidelberg
- 2006 – 2010
Member Faculty, Univ. Heidelberg
- 2005 – 2006
Member of the Board of the Southwest German Association of Internal Medicine
- since 2005
Member MD/PhD Commission, Medical Faculty, Heidelberg
- 2005
Member “Leopoldina” (National Academy of Sciences)
- 2004 – 2006
Deputy Chairman Research Commission, Medical Faculty, Heidelberg
- 2004
Director Dept. Medicine I and Clinical Chemistry, Univ. Heidelberg
- since 2001
Head Commission of Geriatric Research at the University Hospital Heidelberg
- 2001
Director Dept. Medicine I (Endocrinology, Osteology, Nephrology and Clinical Chemistry, Emergency Unit), Univ. Heidelberg
- 2001
Chair and C4-Professor, Dept. Medicine I, Univ. Heidelberg
- 2001
Board Lab. Medicine
- 1999 – 2001
C3 Professor, Head Section Vascular Medicine, Dept. Medicine IV, Univ. Tübingen
- 1997
Co-Founder of the Biotech Company “Wilex”
- 1996
C-3 Professorship of the Schillingstiftung
- 1996
„Diabetologist DDG”
- 1996
- 1995
- 1992
- 1991
Internal Medicine
- 1987 – 1999
Dept. Medicine I (Endocrinology/Nephrology), Univ. Heidelberg
- 1985 – 1987
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
- 1985
Associate Research Scientist
- 1984
Post Doctoral Research Scientist
- 1982 – 1985
Columbia University, Dept. Hematology, New York
- 1980 – 1981
Universitätsklinik Tübingen, Dept. Gastroenterology
Scientific background
- 1992
Habilitation und Venia legendi für Innere Medizin
- 1980
MD Degree
- 1980
Dissertation (Dr. med.)
- 1974 – 1980
University of Hamburg, Medical School
- 1993
Heisenbergstipend of the DFG
Offices and posts held
- 2011 – 2014
Council Member of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, EASD
- 2007
President of the annual meeting of the German Diabetes Association (DDG)
- 2007
Member of the Board of the German Diabetes Association
- 2006
President of the annual meeting of the Southwest German Association of Internal Medicine
- since 2005
Editor in Chief, ECED
- 2005
President of the annual meeting of the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Society (GTH)
- 1999
Chairman "The vascular system in thyroid disease", Heidelberg 2001 Chairman "Coagulation and Anesthesiologie", Heidelber
- 1999
Chairman "Risikof antithrombotic therapy", DGA, Köln 1999 Juror for the Dr. E. Wiethoff-Price
- 1999
Chairman "Calcium dependent Tissue", DGE Kiel
- 1999
Abstract Review Comittee, GTH 1999 Chairman "Vaskulitis and Angiopathy", GTH
- 1998
Chairman Symposium Hämostaseology, DGA, Berlin
- 1998
Chairman Arteriosklerose der DGA, Berlin
- 1998
Int. Scientific Advisory Board Free Radicals, Jerusalem, Israel.
- 1998
Abstract Review Comittee und Chairman Postersession Endokrinologie, DGIM Wiesbaden
- 1998
Abstract Review Comittee und Chairman Postersession Endokrinologie, DGIM Wiesbaden
- 1998
Chairman, Effekts of Estrogens on the vessel wall, DGE Freiburg
- 1998
Chairman Vascular Dysfunction and oxidative stress, DDG, Leipzig
- 1998
Chairman Gerontoendokrinology, DDG Leipzig
- 1997
Chairman Regulation of Transkription, ISTH
- 1996
Abstract Review Comittee, GTH 1997 Poster Preis Commitee, GTH
- 1995
Chairman: Endothelin, NO. Int. Soc. Thromb. Haemost.
- 1995
Abstract Review Comittee, GTH
- 1994
Abstract Review Committee, GTH
- 1994
Chairman, Hämokompatibility, Dtsch. Gesellschaft für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie
- 1994
Chairman, Postersession, Frontiers in Vascular Medicine
- 1994
Co-Chairman, Endothel, GTH
- 1994
Co-Chairman, Symposium Endothel, GTH
- 1993
Chairman, Symposium Hämostaseology in Anästhesiology, Heidelberg
- 1993
Chairman, Workshop Endothel I und II, ESCI
- 1993
Abstract Review Comittee, GTH
- 1993
Chairman, Endothelium I and II, GTH
- 1992
Co-Chairman, Symposium Endothel, GTH
- 1992
Chairman, Postersession Onkohämostaseology, GTH
- 1990
Chairman, Schering Symposium, Berlin 1990 Chairman, Postersession Onkohämostaseology, GTH
- 1986
Assistant Member, OMRF
- 1986
Cochairman, Endothelial Abstract Session, 7th National Conference on Thrombosis.
Functions at Meetings, Workshops...
- 1999
Chairman "The vascular system in thyroid disease", Heidelberg 2001 Chairman "Coagulation and Anesthesiologie", Heidelberg
- 1999
Chairman "Risikof antithrombotic therapy", DGA, Köln 1999 Juror for the Dr. E. Wiethoff-Price
- 1999
Chairman "Calcium dependent Tissue", DGE Kiel
- 1999
Abstract Review Comittee, GTH 1999 Chairman "Vaskulitis and Angiopathy", GTH
- 1998
Chairman Symposium Hämostaseology, DGA, Berlin
- 1998
Chairman Arteriosklerose der DGA, Berlin
- 1998
Int. Scientific Advisory Board Free Radicals, Jerusalem, Israel.
- 1998
Abstract Review Comittee und Chairman Postersession Endokrinologie, DGIM Wiesbaden
- 1998
Chairman, Effekts of Estrogens on the vessel wall, DGE Freiburg
- 1998
Chairman Vascular Dysfunction and oxidative stress, DDG, Leipzig
- 1998
Chairman Gerontoendokrinology, DDG Leipzig
- 1997
Chairman Regulation of Transkription, ISTH
- 1995 – 1996
Abstract Review Comittee, GTH 1997 Poster Preis Commitee, GTH
- 1995
Chairman: Endothelin, NO. Int. Soc. Thromb. Haemost.
- 1995
Chairman, Symposium Diabetic Angiopathy, DDG
- 1995
Abstract Review Comittee, GTH
- 1994
Chairman, Hämokompatibility, Dtsch. Gesellschaft für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie
- 1994
Chairman, Postersession, Frontiers in Vascular Medicine
- 1994
Abstract Review Committee, GTH
- 1994
Co-Chairman, Endothel, GTH
- 1994
Co-Chairman, Symposium Endothel, GTH
- 1993
Chairman, Symposium Hämostaseology in Anästhesiology, Heidelberg
- 1993
Chairman, Workshop Endothel I und II, ESCI
- 1993
Abstract Review Comittee, GTH
- 1993
Chairman, Endothelium I and II, GTH
- 1992
Co-Chairman, Symposium Endothel, GTH
- 1992
Chairman, Postersession Onkohämostaseology, GTH
- 1990
Chairman, Schering Symposium, Berlin 1990 Chairman, Postersession Onkohämostaseology, GTH
- 1986
Cochairman, Endothelial Abstract Session, 7th National Conference on Thrombosis.
Hospital Training and Positions
- 2001
Board Lab. Medicine
- since 2001
Chair and C4-Professor, Dept. Medicine I, Univ. Heidelberg
- since 1999
C3-fullProfessorship Univ. Tübingen, Director of Section "Vascular Medicine"
- since 1996
C3-Professorship of the der Schilling-Foundation.
- since 1996
Board Endocrinology and Diabetes
- since 1995
Board Angiology
- since 1993
- since 1992
- since 1991
Board Internal Medicine
- 1987 – 1999
Dept. Med. I, Univ. Heidelberg, Germany
- 1986 – 1987
Assistant Member OMRF
- 1985 – 1987
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
- since 1985
Associate Research Scientist
- since 1984
Post Doctoral Research Scientist
- 1982 – 1985
Dept. Med., Columbia University, New York
- 1980 – 1981